Monday, January 31, 2011

Washing my Cloth Diapers...

I am back again after not posting in almost a month!  We found out in early December that we are expecting Baby #2.  I have found my first trimester to be a little challenging while chasing a busy toddler all day.  I have been pretty exhausted and nauseous with very low energy...but I am 12 weeks now and finally starting to feel more like myself again.

I am very excited at the prospect of Baby #2, as this one will give me the opportunity to cloth diaper from the very beginning, and give me the opportunity to share newborn cloth diapering options with all of you.  I did use disposables for the first two months with my daughter, I used cloth too, but not for the first few weeks, because I was intimidated by the care and maintenance of the diapers.  Now I know that caring for cloth diapers is very easy, and nothing to be afraid of, which brings me to today's topic, Washing Cloth Diapers:

First, check the washing instructions on each type of diaper that you own-most can be washed in hot water, but there are a few kinds that need to be washed in cold.  The diapers I use consist of the following types and brands-Kushies, BumGenius, FuzziBuns, Kawaii, PouPond, Greenbaby, Babyland, Bummis Whisper Wraps, Kissaluvs and various pre-folds and doublers.  The only ones I have had issues with in washing in hot water are the Babyland and the Greenbaby, which I will discuss more when I review each type of diaper individually.

All cloth diapers need to be pre-washed before use.  This is a very simple, but necessary process.  It is necessary to maximize the absorbency of your diapers, and the waterproofing of the covers or outer layer of your diapers.   Each type of diaper comes with pre-wash instructions.  Some require a cold wash, some a hot, sometimes a cold wash first, and usually will need to be washed two or three times before use.  Just follow the individual instructions.  On acquiring each set of new diapers, I always followed the washing instructions and washed each brand individually.

Now that all my diapers have been washed individually and put to good use, I wash them all together.  I wash a full load every two to three days.
1.  Fill up the diaper pail with dirty diapers (just a reminder, I use my diaper sprayer to rinse out all poopey diapers and wipes in the toilet before putting them in the diaper pail-this cuts down on diaper pail odor and staining on the diapers).
2. The detergent used to wash cloth diaper is very important.  Most regular detergents have chemicals in them that will break down the absorbency of cloth diapers.  Some detergents that I know of that others use are Charlie's Laundry Soap and Rock N Green.  I personally use Original Powder Tide.  I bought a huge box at BJ's before my daughter was born (180 loads).  I only use my Tide for diapers.  My daughter is nearly 20 months now, and I have yet to buy more detergent.  I still have about a fifth of the box left.  This is because when washing diapers you only use about a quarter to a half of the amount of detergent that you would use to wash a regular load of clothes.  This makes washing cloth diapers very inexpensive :o)
3.  I start my machine filling with water and add my detergent.  I usually wash about 16-24 diapers per load.  If there are more diapers, I use a little more detergent, but what I use only fills up the bottom of the scoop, well below the line for a full load of clothes.  I don't add diapers to the machine until the detergent has dissolved in the water.
4.  Then I add my diapers.  I use mostly pocket diapers, so I unstuff my pockets and throw the inserts into the machine separately from the covers.  Any covers that use hook and loop (velcro) need to have the hook and loop secured either with the laundry tabs or on the waistband so the diapers don't end up all stuck together.  Any all in one diapers that I have are simply thrown in the washer as is.  I also throw my Planet Wise Diaper Pail Liner and all of my cloth wipes  in with the diapers.  Then I close the washer lid, and go.
5.  The cycle I use to wash my diapers consists of a hot soak cycle, followed by a hot wash, followed by a cold rinse.
6.  When the diapers are finished, I hang all of my Diapers on a drying rack to dry.  The inserts, doublers, pre-folds and wipes all go into the dryer.  It is important to air dry your diapers and covers because they will last much longer.  In a pinch if I need them right away I will toss them into the dryer on the low setting, but I only do that if I have to.  Never dry your diapers on high heat.
7.  When my diapers are all dry and ready to go I stuff all the pockets and put them all on my changing table so they are ready to go the next time I need them.  It really is that easy, and only is a few extra loads of laundry a week.

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